Uncertainty: Volume 2 Read online

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  Just then, there was a knock on the door. A muffled voice from the other side said, “Hey, shut the fuck up! I’m trying to get sleep before my next shift starts. Take this shit somewhere else!”

  Daniel looked at her and calmly said, “You’d better leave now. Don’t call me or try to get a hold of me in any way. I’ll call you… if I want to talk. Right now, I just need to be alone.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Alice could only speak in a mumble. Her lips and voice wouldn’t work correctly.

  “Yeah…I’m sorry, too,” he said as he watched her walk through the door.

  Alice looked over her shoulder and saw Daniel silently crying. He looked away quickly and slammed the door shut even faster. She heard the locks click into place while she stood in the hallway, her back against the wall beside his door. Unsteadily, her legs moved her forward with barely any thought involved. She would have been amazed at her ability to walk down the steep, narrow stairway without falling if she were actually thinking in the present. A heavy daze had come over her after she heard Daniel say all of those hurtful things to her. She kept going over each point she could remember well.

  Alice feared that most of what he said out of anger was true. She realized that she, in fact, hadn’t told him much about her past. She made no mention of her relationship with Trent, the troubles she had with her mother, or her disappearing father. Alice found no recollection of even telling him about her parents’ divorce. Daniel probably wondered why he hadn’t met her parents yet. I’ve been the worst girlfriend. In all these months, I didn’t open up to Daniel about anything. He probably felt so unappreciated. Then I broke his heart by getting emotionally involved with an ex. Still, she didn’t expect him to blow up the way he did. It dismayed her that Daniel believed she had feelings for Trent simply because of his looks or money. He even implied that she’d strayed for sexual reasons. While she thought his words extremely tactless, she couldn’t fault him for those assumptions. His reaction seemed natural for someone who’d suffered a betrayal. Alice just didn’t expect something so malevolent from a typically mild-mannered and understanding man.

  Feeling great after coming clean wasn’t an expectation of Alice’s, but she thought she would feel better than she did as she drove home. Telling the truth about a mistake usually lifted a burden off her shoulders, but this time she left much worse than before her confession. The shame and embarrassment of the admission would likely keep tension levels high for a while. Alice shambled into her apartment and headed straight for her bed, still swimming in questions and possibilities. She lay down and pulled the blanket over her head to deliberate in the grey darkness for a while. Most other decisions were still up in the air, but she determined one thing. She would postpone her meeting with Trent on Monday. There was no use in speaking with him until she’d had another talk with Daniel to figure things out. If he needed another progress report, she could send him the updated files to look over until then.

  Alice pulled out her phone (still under the covers) and started typing out a professional-looking email to Trent that was suggestive of current events. She hoped he would accept the request for postponement without asking questions. She’d cleared a large hurdle, but there was much more left to do.


  I’m going to suggest that we postpone our progress meeting on Monday until further notice. I’d prefer to go over the new developments when I’ve figured everything out. Until then, I can send you some files showing progression, if you’d like.

  Thank you for your patience and understanding,


  Trent had always been good at taking hints, so he should have been able to read between the lines in this email. Now she had two issues semi-solved, and she still felt no better. Her prediction of the next day off of work involved staying in bed unless she absolutely had to leave it. She foresaw catching up on her list of movies to watch unless she found anything better to do than wallow in guilt and depression at home. Alice wasn’t sure what would make her feel better until her life was sorted out and back to some kind of normal. Until then, she would try to rest and gather her thoughts for the upcoming obstacles. She couldn’t wait to get back to work and give most of her attention to the redesign of Jitter. With her personal life in utter disarray, at least she could say her work life wasn’t going too badly—with the exception of working under the source of her recent guilt. So it seemed she actually looked forward to Monday, for once.

  Chapter 3

  Trent stood in the doorway to Alice’s room for a few moments, looking more than a little unsure. He swayed back and forth as if he didn’t know whether he wanted to walk in or not. Seeing his hesitation, Alice unbuttoned her blouse slowly and shifted it off her shoulders before letting it slide down her arms to hit the floor. She stood there in only tight shorts and a lacy bra, which complimented her natural assets well. Her hand briefly motioned for Trent to come in. Suddenly, he took long, quick strides and met Alice in the middle of her room. The kiss was gentle and sweet despite how swiftly he moved to start it. He acted like she was liable to break if he behaved too forcefully. To show him that the opposite was true, Alice kissed back with some passion. She took his bottom lip lightly between her teeth and tugged a little before diving back into the kiss.

  Trent took this as a cue to reciprocate the vigor of her affections. After that, he let his hands do some exploring all over her body. His fingers lightly dragged from her neck down the dimples on her lower back. She shivered sensitively and giggled before pulling him back a step toward the bed. He guided his hands up her back again and found the clasp for her bra, unclipping it and watching the bra come loose. She slid the straps off and let this fall as well. Trent kept his hands on her sides while he stepped back to enjoy the view. Alice saw the look on his face change from sultry to amazed. He looked like he’d just discovered something incredible, or like he had opened the best birthday present he could ever receive. That expression said it all, and it made her feel like she was the most beautiful woman he’d seen.

  Then, he took his hands away and lifted his shirt up and over his head. He threw it to the side while she ran her hands over his solid pecs and ab muscles. She traced the v-shaped band above his pant line with both hands before tugging his belt to get him closer to the bed. Her fingers moved of their own accord, unbuckling his belt and pulling on his zipper. She looked up from her deed, and saw a questioning look in Trent’s eyes. He seemed to be asking, “Are you ready for this? Are we taking that step? Only if you’re ready.”

  In response, Alice grew a devious smirk and kept her eyes on his. She continued by whipping his belt out of the loops and unzipping his pants all the way. He kicked off his shoes and socks with enthusiasm while he bent down to remove his pants fully. He’d gotten the picture. As he worked to lift his legs out of fallen pants, she stepped back and did the same with her shorts and panties. His eyes lit up as she shimmied them down her soft thighs.

  Alice saw his hardened dick growing even larger in his underwear, and she massaged it through the fabric as if to tell him that those needed to come off as well. He quickly obeyed without a word. As soon as the elastic band lowered enough, his lengthy cock sprung out eagerly. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter, just as she knew he was getting harder when she took his dick in her hand and rubbed up and down the entire length. They were finally close enough to the bed for Alice to lay herself down and pull Trent on top of her. They shared a brief kiss on the lips before he lowered his face to her neck and sucked softly on her skin. He let his nose and lips draw soothingly over her neck while he moved to each new spot. Alice shuddered and sighed as she felt his hot breath on her collar and near her ear. Trent took a little bit of skin between his teeth and lightly raised it before letting his tongue trail down her collarbone and onto her chest.

  Alice knew where he was heading, and she loved every second. He brought his tongue to her right nipple and licked in circles around it. Then he shifted his head a
nd sucked on the other nipple, letting his teeth barely graze over the sensitive flesh there. Alice shivered and moaned at each movement Trent’s tongue made around her nipples. He looked up from his work and grinned widely, aware that she’d greatly enjoyed the way his mouth played over her body. She gasped as he gently kissed and licked his way down her stomach until he reached her hips. Her fingers were now running through his hair and gently tugging during his tongue’s exploration of her inner thighs. Her whole body came alive with tingles and spasms with every move he made against her skin. He surprised Alice when he lifted her left leg onto his shoulder while he caressed her thighs more with his lips. His mouth worked further and further in until he approached her wet pussy, and then he brought his tongue to her clit so he could work it in circles.

  She felt total ecstasy now, letting him do as he pleased with her body. Alice had one hand still in his hair while the other gripped the sheets. Trent continued to travel around her pussy with his tongue, getting her even wetter until she couldn’t take it. Alice experienced a heat throughout her body that she’d never felt before. She was certain that her face was probably beet red. Tiny beads of sweat formed on her face, but she still had goose bumps all over. Now, she craved his cock inside of her; Alice didn’t want to wait any more. She tugged a little on his hair and touched his face. He seemed to get the message, “It’s time now.” They both shifted positions until she lay flat on her back, and he hovered close above her as she got comfortable. Alice put her hands on his back and brought him down into another deep kiss.

  His weight on top of her delivered even more excitement. Alice moved a hand beneath him and grabbed his cock again. “Now,” her actions said.

  Trent smiled and inched his dick nearer before rubbing it all around her clit. He was teasing her. After that, he found the right spot and pushed inside a little bit to give her time to adjust. Alice wrapped her legs around his body and pulled him the rest of the way in. A gasp slipped out of her once he was fully within her. After the initial shock, she loved the full sensation she got when he’d entered. They had joined physically to cement their feelings for each other. Now, they both began moving their hips until they found the right rhythm. Alice started to move her body faster once she had adjusted to his whole length. With her arms and legs around him, pulling and pushing him to the pulse of their movements, she felt like he was truly hers.

  The soaring heat from their bodies combined; they both perspired generously. Trent gave off a manly, but vaguely sweet musk that she thoroughly savored. Alice began to experience a sensory overload. Her skin was alight with too many sensations to manage. Prickles, tingles, and shivers rose to the surface from deep within her. Trent’s generous attention to her nipples, neck, and lips left her trembling with delight every time he sucked or kissed. The power behind his licks and kisses varied. One time, it could be a light brush. Another moment brought a powerful suction or nibble. This left her surprised and panting when he added extra energy. Tension mounted within her, and she started tightly squeezing and releasing Trent’s cock with each thrust. She constricted her legs around him and brought him in harder. Alice didn’t think he could go deep enough. She needed more.

  Once he sensed a change, he began pushing even harder. The tempo increased as Alice shook with pleasure. She brought one hand down to her clit and started rubbing, even a light touch adding to all the feelings mounting in her. Her breaths quickened, and her heart pounded even faster than before. She was burning up. In turn, she also sensed a difference in him. His eyes closed and his lips quivered, while his back muscles hardened at the same time. Trent was getting close to finishing. Alice brought him into a fierce kiss, as she began to lose control also. She squeezed his body tighter as her muscles stiffened. The amount of energy trapped inside her was incredible, and she thought it might rip her apart. The muscles in her hips and legs got completely taut. They ended their kiss in an effort to draw in more air. Alice now whimpered and cried at the throbbing inside her pussy. She couldn’t stand the pressure anymore. There needed to be a release, and she could feel it charging toward her. Alice ground herself against Trent’s hard and slick body until she felt an eruption within her pussy.

  She let out a single cry as she was overtaken by the combination of constriction and relaxation that flooded every part of her body. Alice stopped breathing for a few moments and then violently inhaled while she drifted to a separate realm of bliss. Every thought in her head disappeared, and the only things present were the senses around her: their deep and irregular breaths, Trent’s ecstatic expression, the insides of his eyebrows rose in satisfaction, the feel of the silky sheets beneath her, the weight of Trent on top of her. Their bodies were now slowly rubbing to the speed of the surges and swells that touched both of them. These were all that mattered in the world just then.

  Still gripping onto him with her hand, Alice released him from her quavering legs while he drew out his stiff cock. He rolled to the side, almost falling, and came to rest next to Alice. Her fingers now dug into the sheets, rather than into him. She continued massaging her clit while her contractions crested and fell again. This was the only movement she still had much control over. Alice’s head rolled from side to side, and her legs stretched and unstretched. A final sigh escaped from Alice’s throat, and she let her body go limp as the waves receded. Not a muscle in her body desired to move, but she forced herself to turn her head to look at Trent. He had a musing expression in his eyes and a crooked smile that conveyed intense fulfillment. Trent got closer to give her another kiss on the lips. This carried more delicacy and affection than the fiery ones he’d given earlier. He put an arm around her and rested his head near hers, seeming to know that she wouldn’t be moving for a while longer.

  Once Alice felt that a little strength had returned, she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She looked back at Trent, who had just opened his eyes. He’d apparently taken a short nap while she waited for normal bodily function to return. Upon stepping to the floor, her legs almost gave out. The feeling of being made from rubber probably wouldn’t leave for a while. She shivered again, this time from cooling down and feeling a draft on her still wet skin. Trent followed her out of bed, and they both hobbled their way to the bathroom. Alice turned on the shower to warm the water before they stepped in. No sooner than she put her fingers in the water to test the temperature, she felt a thick shaft pulsing between her legs. He was hard again! She smiled and straightened up to turn around and accept his invitation to give sex another go when…

  Alice’s eyes snapped open, and she lifted her head from the back of her chair. Looking around quickly, she realized she slept in her cubicle. How did I fall asleep? Alice couldn’t remember anything other than working on more text before her intense dream. Oh, God. That dream…

  Almost everything that happened was the same as her first time with Trent, except for a few details: the dream was set in modern day. It took place in her current bedroom, and Alice definitely acted sexier and surer of herself in the dream than she really behaved her first time. I can’t believe I fell asleep at work, especially having a dream like that. What’s wrong with me? Then she realized that she had only gotten three hours of sleep on Saturday night and four hours last night. Her body and mind were sending her clear signals that she couldn’t ignore.

  A light knock from the side of the cubicle startled Alice. She swiveled the chair around to see who had come to speak with her. Alisha stood there grinning sardonically. She appeared to look Alice up and down as she stepped closer. Obviously false worry came over Alisha’s expression, and she stopped before walking all the way in.

  Resting one shoulder on the wall, Alisha said insincerely, “Alice, you look so tired! I can see it around your eyes. I bet you could use some more rest.”

  I bet what I could use are my hands around your throat.

  Alice shook her head and laughed quietly at her vicious thought. She was in a bad mood for sure, but not enough to stoop lower than her te
ammate. Her moods and level of rest had rarely dictated her treatment of others, and she knew this time would be no different.

  “Is there something I can help you with?” Alice attempted to sound as neutral as possible.

  “I’m leaving early, and I thought I should give you the files I have so far. Who knew you’d be practically falling asleep in your chair?” Alisha said with overdone sugary sweetness. She knew how to push buttons.

  “Just hold on to them. We can critique your designs, along with everyone else’s, at the meeting tomorrow like we’ve done every other time,” Alice asserted, finding neutrality to be a demanding attitude to keep.

  “Okay, then. I guess I’ll get ready to leave now,” Alisha stepped down from her earlier imitations of concern and work ethic. “Maybe you should take off early, too. Get some sleep and relaxation.”

  “Thank you, Alisha,” she replied impatiently.

  Alice closed her eyes and rubbed her shoulders as she listened to Alisha’s footsteps fade away. That woman had the ability to leave her with a stiff neck and a tension headache after minimal interaction. However, a good portion of that was likely from sleep deprivation and stress. Alice’s situation still hadn’t improved in any way. Daniel hated her, Veronica had made it a point to avoid her earlier in the day, and she still had no intention of meeting with Trent until she came to a decision or resolution.

  Rather than taking another nap, Alice thought it might be a good idea to step away from her desk and take a quick walk around the office. A jaunt could boost her energy levels a bit. First in importance was the file she was working on before her nap needed saving. Afterward, she stood and stretched out her limbs before walking out into the open. She thought she would head to the bathroom and then get some water. Looking into the bathroom mirror, she didn’t see the weariness that Alisha had mentioned. It was probably just an insult she would have made even if Alice had gotten enough sleep. Alice’s feelings of drowsiness had faded a bit by the time she walked back to the office. Focusing on what she was doing before falling asleep would still be difficult. She decided to visit one of her friends before getting back to work. Alice meandered around the cluster of cubicles in the center of the room until she came to Melanie’s desk. Melanie faced away from her computer, and she immediately saw Alice walk up.